Starbet Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the “PP”) applies to User’s use of (the “Site”), and any software, products and service offered by Starbet through the Site, or otherwise (if any) (the “Product(s)”). The Product(s) and the Site shall be referred to, collectively, as the “Software”, and this document set forth the privacy policies Starbet practices in the Software. This PP is an integral part of Starbet ‘s Terms of Use (available at (the “TOU”), and both PP and TOU shall be binding upon any user using or attempting to use the Software or any portion thereof (“User”). If you do not wish to bound by this PP and/or the TOU, exit the Site and/or terminate your usage (or attempt to use) of the Product(s). Starbet may collect certain information about User’s web usage and sites User’s has visited, which may be shared with third parties and used for advertising.

  1. Non-personally Identifiable Information.

1.1. Starbet and/or third parties utilizing its Software or to which Starbet allows access to the information gathered by the Software (“Third Parties”) may collect non-personally identifiable information about Users. Non-personal identifiable information may include the User’s browser name, internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), the type of Internet device the User’s use and technical specifications of such device (such as the operating system and the Internet service such User utilize and other similar information) and other information of technical nature (such as date/time stamp, and clickstream data) or other information except for the defined below PII

1.2. Starbet does not always have access or control over Third Parties information collection mechanisms, and such Third Parties practices are not covered by this PP but by the applicable policies set forth in such Third Parties Websites or products.

  1. Personal Identifiable Information.

2.1. Starbet and/or Third Parties may collect PII (as defined below) from Users if such Users voluntarily submit such information. PII may be voluntary provided in a variety of ways, such as when Users visit the Site, register on the Site, place an order, subscribe to the newsletter, respond to a survey, and fill out a form. User is advised that by providing Starbet PII User gives his consent to Starbet make use of such PII. PII – “Personally Identifiable Information” means any information which might reasonably be used to specifically identify User and may include, among other, User’s name, title, company, address, email.

  1. Tracking Technologies and Use and Setting of Digital Identifiers.

3.1. Digital identifier is information a site may put on User’s hard disk so that this information and other related information may be utilized by such site at later time. No PII is collected Starbet by the use of such digital identifiers. Starbet and/or Third Parties collect and use the information collected through such digital identifiers for purposes such as to security purposes, analyzing trends, administrating the Site, tracking movement of Users on the Site and gather aggregate demographic information.

3.2. One of the digital identifiers the Software utilizes is called a “cookie”. “Cookies” are small piece of data sent by the Software and stored in a User’s web browser while User is browsing Internet Websites. Every time User loads a Website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server and notifies Starbet of User’s previous Internet activity. The Cookies are placed on Users hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about Users’ internet usage. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse Cookies, or to alert when cookies are being sent. User is advised that if User chooses to activate such Cookies refusal cookie alert functionalities, the Software may not function properly.

3.3. Starbet and/or Third Parties employ sometime a software technology called clear gifs (a.k.a. web beacons/web bugs), that help Starbet and/or Third Parties better manage content on our site by informing Starbet what content is effective. Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the online movements of Users. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a User’s computer hard drive, clear gifs are embedded invisibly on web pages and are very small in size. Starbet does not gather PII by clear gifs.

  1. Opt-out Option. More information about Cookies and other ‘digital identifiers’ used by Starbet and/or Third Parties, and the ability to configure them is available through the links below. User may delete or Opt-Out of any third-party ad technology, i.e. ‘digital identifiers’ cookie, web beacon, or any other tracking mechanism used for data collection according to the instruction provided in

4.1. If technology is a member of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) User shall note the NAI opt out page:

4.2. If technology is not a member of the NAI, users may clear their browser cookies by following these instructions, found at:

4.2.1. Chrome:

4.2.2. Firefox:

4.2.3. Internet Explorer:

  1. How Information collected is used. Starbet may use data collected for various purposes including the following:

5.1. To improve service it provides, or the Software (or any portion thereof).

5.2. To respond to User’s requests and support Starbet costumers needs more efficiently.

5.3. To personalize User(s) experience.

5.4. To offer User(s) with Content Starbet believes may interest such User(s), such as targeted advertising content or other commercial information.

5.5. To process payments.

5.6. To share User(S) information with third parties.

5.7. To send periodic emails.

5.8. To send periodic sms.

  1. How User Information Is Protect.

6.1 Starbet adopts what it believes are appropriate security measures to the data it collects, in order to protect such data from unauthorized access. However, it cannot guarantee the absolute security or confidentiality of information transmitted to the Site or by the Products, and User hereby acknowledges and assumes all risks relating to any such data communication and safeguard.

6.2 Starbet employs industry standard security measures to ensure the security of all data. Any data that is stored on our servers is treated as proprietary and confidential and is not available to the public. Starbet maintains an internal security policy with respect to the confidentiality of User’s data, allowing access only to those employees or third parties who have a need to know such information.

6.3 While Starbet has taken measures to protect User’s information, please know that (i) no computer system is immune from intrusion; and (ii) information transmitted to the Site may need to pass through many systems in order to process such information. Therefore, Starbet cannot guarantee the absolute security or confidentiality of information transmitted to the Site and you hereby acknowledge and assume the risks relating to any such communication.

  1. Sharing Information. Starbet may use third party service providers who help Starbet operate its business or administer activities on our behalf, such as sending out newsletters or surveys. Starbet may share User’s information with these third parties for those limited purposes provided that the User has given Starbet User’s permission. However, Starbet does not control such third parties’ practices and is not liable or responsible for any practices used by these third parties.

  2. Third Party Content.

8.1 Certain content is made available to User through the Software by third parties (including Third Parties). Such content is made available to User by link to such third parties’ sites or products, ads displayed on User’s Internet device, or otherwise. Starbet does not control the content made available by such third parties or the practices employed by these third parties. Starbet is not and will not be liable or responsible for any content provided by such third parties or the practices they employ. User is advised to check the privacy policies and terms of use of any third party before interacting or making any use of such third Party’s software, site or product.

8.2 Our Site may also include social media features and scripts, such as the Facebook Like button and widgets, or interactive mini programs that run on our site. These features may collect User’s IP address, which page the User is visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social Media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. User’s interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the entity providing it.

  1. Permitted Disclosures. Starbet may disclose information provided by Users when required to do so by law, court order, or governmental authority, or when based upon its good faith belief that disclosure is necessary including, without limitation, to protect the rights of Starbet other Users right or ability to freely use the Software.

  2. Compliance with Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, Starbet does not knowingly collect or maintain information from Users it actually knows are under 13.

  3. Contacting us. For any un-clarity with respect to this PP or the privacy practices employed in the Software, Users are invited to contact: [email protected]

  5. Starbet reserves the right to revise and amend this PP from time to time and any revised version will be deemed to be applicable from the first date of publication on the Site.

This document was last updated on December 21st, 2019